Friday, January 06, 2006

"Hairy" Situations

Yes, I'm still here. It's not that there are no new things to blog about; it's that there are too many new things to stop and blog about them.

Two of the funniest (and humbling) things that have happened recently have to do with hair.

I am a 34 year old with significant amounts of gray hair. And by significant I mean more than my mother-in-law who is . . . well, I won't tell you how old she is. I have been graying since my freshman year of college and although I like to pretend that it makes me look wise, it really just makes me look like I'm babysitting my grandchildren instead of taking my own kids to the park.
So I've started coloring my hair recently. I was doing a half-way decent job until I decided to go a shade darker. (Yes, I hear you moaning) Anyway, I have since discovered that "black bordering on purple" hair does not look good with "olive bordering on yellow skin." Well, I spent Wednesday with Christine at Trade Secrets and she fixed it. It actually looks better than it has in years! (Hey, can I get a discount for a plug like this?)

Next hair story, actually more embarrassing than the first. Most of the time I give my boys haircuts (again "half-way decent job"), but occasionally we "splurge" and take them over to Glen, the singing barber. Glen's whole purpose for cutting hair is to hang out with his buddies. It's the closest thing to Floyd's barber shop that I have ever experienced. Therefore, Glen is intent on getting us in and out of there as quickly as possible. That leaves us with one of two options: 1) he'll shave them bald, or 2) I'll have to fix all the spots he missed when we get home. So before Christmas, Matt took the boys to Glen while I was getting ready for all the relatives. And as usual I grabbed the scissors to trim the spots that were missed when they got home. What was unusual this time was that Noah had no missed spots. It was a perfect hair cut - for about 4 days.

Later that week we went to lunch at a restaurant and there it was - the missed spot. Why I didn't see it earlier I will never know, but Noah kept pushing a section of 4-inch long bangs out of his face while he tried to eat. I tried repositioning it, combing it over, combing it back, but nothing worked. I felt for him. He kept scratching his nose because it tickled. I didn't have anything that would work - no scissors, nail clippers, nothing. So I did what any loving mother (who is a true hick) would do. I glanced around to make sure no one was looking at us, held his hair in one hand and grabbed a steak knife with the other and before you could say "What is that crazy lady doing with a knife?!" I cut his bangs. Well, Noah was grateful although everyone else at the table was quite shocked.

Yeah, I don't expect any tea invitations after this!


At January 07, 2006 11:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I missed hearing about the Cormany's adventures. Thanks for a great laugh. I would have loved to see that.

At January 07, 2006 6:59 PM, Blogger Kristie said...

No doubt Pappaw contributed, but Mom beats me by one year (she started graying in high school) so she might win the gene pool award for this one. I guessed I was doomed either way!

At January 07, 2006 7:36 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Glad you're back!
Jason needed a haircut one time really badly because we were going to a pastor's conference and his hair was huge. I took the first pass up the back of his neck when I realized I didn't put the guard ont he clippers. He had a bald rectangle in the back of his head. Before every session I had to color his patch with my eyeliner. Yeah, I haven't been allowed to cut it since.

At January 07, 2006 7:50 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

Your hair does look GREAT!!!

At January 07, 2006 9:02 PM, Blogger Kristie said...

Laurie - that is hilarious! Good thing it didn't rain and cause his "make-up" to run.

Suz - somehow it doesn't look as good when I fix it as when Christine does it, go figure.

At January 09, 2006 12:26 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

Great stories! My mom went gray by the time she was thirty and I got a gray patch around 16 and was heart broken! I got over it and although I'm glad it hasn't developed into more gray, I don't care if people see it anymore. When my mom was younger she used to color her hair but she finally gave in and is now all gray and looks great (although she's in her 50's now so it fits the age better). Happy coloring (post a picture)!


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