Monday, November 14, 2005

Freedom! (can't you hear Mel Gibson?)

I have been reading Galatians again and again these past few weeks. It is amazing how God uses His word to reveal new or clearer truth to us even if we just read the same scriptures last week. His word is definitely "living and active." (and maybe I'm just too slow to get it the first couple of times!) In doing this, I believe God has given me a new marriage motto. After Paul reminds the Galatians that Christ's justifying work on the cross has set them free from the yoke of the law (Gal. 5:1-6), he then admonishes them in the exercise of that freedom: "Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." (Gal. 5:13)

Now obviously this applies to us all: married, unmarried, adult, child, male, female, but if you are married, look at it for a moment in the context of your marriage. Our freedom is not given to us so that we can do whatever we want. Nor is it a compromise: "I'll do some things for him and some things for me." It says "serve one another." Is that what I'm doing with my freedom? When I plan my day (my opportunity to do whatever I consider important or fun or interesting) am I planning it in such a way as to serve my spouse? There are days I would not like to be asked that question, but there it is waiting for an answer.

Now, let's take it one step further. How does it say to serve one another? In duty? No, "in love!" I can't determine to serve out of some obligation or duty - just set my goal and serve, serve, serve. I must serve out of love. OK, this is where Kristie fails and the Holy Spirit must supply. First of all, He must give me the strength, brains, opportunity, etc. to serve my husband. But even more, I will never serve Him in love without the help of the Spirit. I know what you're thinking - "Doesn't she love her husband?" Yes, I do! (Are you reading this, Sweetie?) I love my husband dearly, but I tend to forget how much I love him in the midst of serving him.

My service reaches new heights when it is motivated by affection for my husband, and I need God's grace to help me do that. I don't want to just check off my list of "to do's." I want to respond to him and his needs and do my best to meet those needs because of my care for him. And again, this doesn't just apply to our spouses, but to whomever God gives us the opportunity to serve. (Bless you if you unmarried and still reading this post.) We can ask daily, hourly even, for the grace to "serve one another in love" Lord, help me!


At November 14, 2005 12:54 PM, Blogger Karen Hevesy said...

One time at a Ladies retreat, I was holding a grudge against someone. They had no idea, I was upset with them. During worship, we sang the song that "Your grace is perfectly free..." And it just struck me how selfish I am with grace. I realized I make people earn it and decide daily if they are worthy. God never witholds His grace. Your blog reminded me of that. It is the same with serving others, how often am I measuring their worthiness, and worse yet, serving with wrong motives. Thanks for the fresh reminder to examine my heart daily.

At November 15, 2005 9:57 AM, Blogger Laurie said...

Thank you for your insight about serving our husbands in love. It is amazing that we are free, in Christ, to love someone other than ourselves. Sometimes the residual sin of self-love can feel more real than the freedom I have in Christ to love others. I am grateful to be reminded again. Your diligence to pursue God in His Word is a blessing in and of itself... thank you.

At November 15, 2005 10:29 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

Thank you so much for sharing this, what a reminder! This is something I've been feeling a stretch in recently. Thanks for extending to us what the Lord's been highlighting for you, it's a blessing.


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