Friday, June 16, 2006

. . . part 3

The justification was complete, but now the sanctification began. God was turning this immature, self-absorbed teenager (sweetie, you know it's true) into a godly man. How? Well, God definitely does the work of our sanctification by His Spirit, but he has tools in his belt which He uses at His discretion. One of these tools is relationships. It's one thing to believe scripture in the quiet seclusion of your home. It is quite another to walk out those truths in relationships. So along came accountability, encouragement, godly examples, and good ol' fashioned conflict to shape Matt - as iron sharpens iron!

Now to what relationships do I give the most credit? Yes, roommates, accountability partners, bible study leaders, caregroup leaders, and pastors have all been vital, but in Matt's life there are 4 men (little, yes) who have done the most to encourage the sanctifying process in his life. They are Samuel, Joshua, Noah and Gabriel. From the day he laid eyes on Samuel, Matt has desired to be a godly example for his boys. That desire has motivated him to die to his flesh in order to glorify God in their eyes. Where once selfish ambition reigned supreme, he now sacrifices his wants daily to benefit his family. He loves his little men with such affection. They have a wonderful dad.

Matt, I don't pretend to know God's full purpose in the invitation you received for a movie night 15 years ago, but I do know that part of it was to start a process of sanctification (not done of course) that would be a blessing especially to your family. Thank you for your affection, patience and kindness toward us. Thanks for having a great sense of humor and adventure. Thanks for perservering with us through difficult times. We love you!

Samuel: "I like having dates with you, Dad."

Joshua: "Thanks for working hard and not complaining."

Noah: "I have a great time with you, Daddy."

Gabriel: "I wuv you, Daddy. Daddy at work."
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see you good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matt. 5:16


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