Sunday, June 25, 2006

Painting Roulette

Why is the color in the can never the color on the wall? Instead of spending all that time matching color samples why not just go to the paint store and say "Surprise me!" because that's what really is going to happen anyway. It's like painting roulette. Now granted this has always worked out well for me in the past. It seems God sovereignly matches colors better than I do. But this time, well I'm sure there's a good reason for the new color on my walls, I mean Matt and the boys like it, it's just that. . .well . . . it's orange!! Oh, call it what you like: "rusty peach", "pumpkin", "warm yellow" everyone knows what you're talking about. It's orange. It's orange in sunlight, it's orange in lamplight, it even glows orange in the dark.

Now orange is not a bad color per se, but you have to remember where I live. I live in Knoxville. Home of the University of Tennessee Volunteers; Vol Country; The Mecca of Volism. Orange means something in this town. At the sight of orange, men grab their beers and their remotes, while women put on their tackiest earrings and burst into "Rocky Top!" (OK, perhaps a slight exaggeration - but not by much!)

Well, I tell you one thing. It's much harder to sleep-in now. Hey, wait a minute - maybe that was God's sovereign plan!


At June 26, 2006 12:58 PM, Blogger Kristie said...

No, thankfully Matt and the boys don't worship at the Big Orange altar!

I'll have to post some pictures. It's not the current Big Orange color, but looks more like the muted orange they used to use. Matt says it looks like squash.

At June 27, 2006 6:36 AM, Blogger Laurie said...

You're so funny! I can't wait to see a picture now.

At June 27, 2006 6:46 AM, Blogger Amy said...

haha :)

I don't like the idea of painting roulette!! I am in the middle of choosing paint colors for our new house...this is not good news!

At June 30, 2006 4:53 PM, Blogger Zoanna said...

YOu're hilarious. When we moved into this house, the carpet in the master bedroom was orange. Pumpkin orange. While we love our Baltimore Orioles, that's about the extent of my or my husband's affinity for orange as a major decor player. I peeked at your "after" pictures above and just love the warmth and serenity of your new bedroom makeover. Congrats!

At June 30, 2006 4:55 PM, Blogger Zoanna said...

Did I say we removed the orange carpet quicko-pronto? I couldn't sleep in there. At all. God knew I'd do better with other hues.


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